Kultovní časopis napěchovaný skateboardingem, muzikou, rozhovory a vším spojeným s touto subkulturou. Časopis vychází jako měsíčník už od roku 1981. Založila ho parta nadšenců ze San Francisca v čele s Ericem Swensonem a Faustem Vitellou.
Obsah čísla:
Outta the bog and straight into the fire, Brandon Westgate scorches onto the October 2018 cover with an ollie to perilous plank ride. Bombs away! More W-Gate inside by way of a feature interview—all handsomely shot by masterlensman Brian Gaberman—as part of a behind-the-scenes look at Element’s newest video offering, Peace. Nassim, Jaako, Madars and Julian Davidson all get grilled, too. This vid is gonna be HEAVY! In tales of travel, REAL took their Actions Realized efforts to Chicago, Detroit, Providence and Taunton, MA, spreading the stoke and doing good deeds along the way. Circle-F-wise, Corey Glick and Dakota Servold both have interviews in this issue, letting you know that the new Foundation vid will be absolutely bonkers (as they always are). And if you’re sick of low-impact curb dancing, have no fears—Nuke Baby is here to make sure those drops stay high and the rails stay kinked! If that’s confusing, just picture a photo feature with GNARLY shit. There you go. Need more? How about Greyson Fletcher waxing poetic on video games, Corey Duffel discussing people he’s known and an interview with Method Man and Redman. Hope you’re done with your homework because this one’s gonna take over your life.
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