Kultovní časopis napěchovaný skateboardingem, muzikou, rozhovory a vším spojeným s touto subkulturou. Časopis vychází jako měsíčník už od roku 1981. Založila ho parta nadšenců ze San Francisca v čele s Ericem Swensonem a Faustem Vitellou.
Obsah čísla:
Myles Willard finds a rare untouched line on the streets of LA—rooftop wallride with an awning assist right onto the GD cover of the May ’19 issue. That’s how you do it, kids. Peel it open and prepare for the stoke. In tales of travel, Palace dips into Detroit to explore the house and techno scene and to go rollerskating. Don’t worry, they found time to skateboard too. Polar jaunted all the way to Japan to surf some walls and get tattooed—dragon style, and Indy turns it up Down Under. Hermann Stene, John Dilorenzo and Alexis Ramirez all get the Heads interview treatment. Good stuff, dudes. Is T-Street Ditch an Epic Spot? You bet you’re ass it is. Speaking of epic, Jaakko Ojanen discusses going to war with a back tail over the bench at China Banks. Next level. Need more? KC’s own Shaun McKay locks into the Lunatic Fringe feature, OG Adam McNatt has a Canvas spread and we got a 14-page Photo Feature for all you kids that hate reading. This issue is guaranteed to punch your eyeballs in their nuts or butts, whichever is more appropriate.
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