Kultovní časopis napěchovaný skateboardingem, muzikou, rozhovory a vším spojeným s touto subkulturou. Časopis vychází jako měsíčník už od roku 1981. Založila ho parta nadšenců ze San Francisca v čele s Ericem Swensonem a Faustem Vitellou.
Obsah čísla:
John Shanahan makes some street coping sing on the cover of the Nov ’20 issue with a gap to mega Philly bar in Brooklyn. More East Coast carnage inside with Jon’s Thrasher interview conducted by the legendary Josh Kalis. Other skaters in the hot seat this month include freshly-minted Almost pro John Dilo, Dangerous Dane Burman (seen that Hope to Die part yet?!), Chris “Cobra” Cole (who is back on Zero with Dane and the Chief) and an exceptional interview with Leo Baker, Cher Strauberry and Stephen Ostrowski about their new brand, Glue skateboards. Expect good things. On the staycation tip, Girl and Volcom socially distanced themselves from LA by escaping to Simon Bannerot’s stomping grounds in the PNW. We could all be so lucky. Need more?! Raney Beres hems on the Heroes + Heavies who influenced him along the way, Chris “Rhino” Rooney takes us down memory lane with a gallery of his best photos to date, Julian Lewis lands on the Lunatic Fringe (and finds a spot in the Foundation van) and Manny Santiago weighs in on Five Great West Coast spots. And while all of the aforementioned content is reason enough to buy this issue, Ray Barbee’s first Krooked ad is in this one so you’re definitely gonna wanna snag a copy, cut that out and thumbtack it to your bedroom wall. Fall is here but this issue is hot as hell.
Všetky ostatné skate doplnky
Všetky ostatné skate doplnky Thrasher
Všetko od Thrasher